Kindle Camping Mysteries
We haven’t been camping for weeks. The end of the school year always seems to be the busiest time for us, so finding a free weekend to get away has been impossible. To get back in the camping mood I have found several mysteries on Amazon to download on my Kindle.
If you don’t have a Kindle and prefer to actually hold a book in your hand, I believe most of these can be ordered from Amazon or even found at your local library.
I am cheap when it comes to my Kindle downloads, so I like to get the “free” or cheap book in a cozy mystery series to see if I like it first. If I am intrigued by the series, I’ll look into buying more in the series. If you click on a link to purchase a book make sure to get the Kindle one, sometimes they are cheaper than an actual book. I also signed up for Freesbooksy :https://www.freebooksy.com and Bookbub:https://www.bookbub.com. Both of these sites direct you to the best deals on books in any genre you like.
So here is a list a cozy mysteries to get you in a camping mood.
Book List
Jackrabbit Junction Mystery Series by Ann Charles
There are four books in this series and one novella. The books center around the main character Claire Morgan and her hilarious misadventures as a handy woman in an RV campground. There are mysteries to solve and treasure to find while dealing with a crazy cast of characters including her grandfather and his lovable dog. You can find it here.
Frannie Shoemaker Campground Mysteries by Karen Musser Nortman
There are 8 books in this camping mystery series. The books are about retirees Frannie Shoemaker, her husband Larry and their friends camping in various locations. They solve mysteries as they explore different campgrounds. I have read the first book Bats and Bones and have started on the second one The Blue Coyote. What I really love about these books are the helpful hints about camping in a RV. These insights are located at the back of the book and also includes recipes featured in the storyline of the books. You can find them here.
The Time Travel Trailer Series by Karen Musser Nortman
This looks like another great series to start. There are currently 3 books in this series. I haven’t had a chance to read any of them, but I am intrigued because it is the same author as the Frannie Shoemaker series. The books are about Lynne McBriar and her teenage daughter buying a 1937 camper and restoring it. But the camper holds a few secrets as it transports them back in time. You can find them here.
So if you are stuck at home, pining to get out into the open air, here a few books to get your there if only in your mind.
Happy Camping! (Hopefully soon!)
Disclaimer: There a few things with affiliate links above. If you use the link to purchase through, thank you very much! I may receive a small percentage for my recommendations.
Update – More Kindle Camping Mysteries
I have recently found a few more camping mysteries for my Kindle.
A Camper and Criminals Cozy Mystery Series by Tonya Kappes. I have read the first book in this series Beaches, Bungalows, & Burglaries. It was a cute mystery with some pretty quirky characters. There are eight books in this series and I love the covers for all the books. You can find the first of the series here.

Camp Pain (Travel Writer Mystery Book 1) by Wendy Meadows looks like a great read to download as well. It’s about a traveling blogger named Patricia and her discovery of a body at a campground she is staying at. You can find it here.

Zoey Chase is another author to check out. Her new series, Cedar Fish Campground looks like a great way to get you in the camping mood. You can find it here.
Disclaimer: There a few things with affiliate links above. If you use the link to purchase through, thank you very much! I may receive a small percentage for my recommendations.

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These sound really interesting…I’m going to try one series as soon as
I get done with the book I’m reading now …thx
Not a “camper” but your book recommendations sound great!
Thank you!