I was excited when I went into Hobby Lobbyrecently and discovered so many things for camping. If you are not familiar with Hobby Lobby, it is a giant arts and crafts store with tons of home decor to choose from. And currently everything in their “Spring” section is on sale 50% off.
I was trying to contain myself and not buy everything I saw, but I did get a few things. There are still couple of items that I am going to go back and get, if they are still available, like that tablecloth. Everything seemed to be in my favorite colors of red and turquoise. It was hard to hold back.
Here are some of my favorites. I could not find links on the Hobby Lobby website, so if anything catches your eye you’ll have to go to your nearest store. It was a little difficult to do a photo shoot in a busy Hobby Lobby as well, so please forgive the quality of the photos. I was trying not to look so obvious as I took photos of everything, and staging was not that easy to do.
The first thing that caught my eye were these plates. I love everything about these colorful melamine plates. The confetti colors add that pop of whimsy and its functionality for camping is a plus.
Hobby Lobby – Zak! brand plate
There are also matching bowls and mini plates as well! This set is just adorable.
The next thing I found were linens. I am a sucker for cute tablecloths and dish towels. I really liked the classic red and white checkered pattern of this tablecloth. This would be perfect to cover a picnic table at the campground.
And these dish towels would look so cute in the kitchen of the camper or home.
The plastic food holders I found are just handy to have around. The little baskets are great for holding hot dogs or burgers. Just line them wax paper, and clean up is a breeze.
These paper plate holders are also handy to have around. They keep the plates from blowing away by anchoring them down with little tabs around the plate, and also add a bit of sturdiness to the plate when carrying it.
The colorful pop up food covers would also be nice to have around to keep bugs out of your food.
This tray would be great for carrying out drinks to the picnic table. I love its retro design and color scheme.
And then there are these string of lights. They would look fantastic hanging from the awning of a retro camper.
Hobby Lobby – String of Camper Lights
I would not of thought to look at Hobby Lobby for any camping supplies. It was quite surprising to find these great items. I just hope Hobby Lobby doesn’t mind me stalking their store for future photo shoots. You just never know where you are going to find that perfect accessory for your camper that you didn’t even know you needed.
Happy Camping!
I finally got to take my Hobby Lobby haul camping. It was so much fun using all these colorful finds!
And the paper plate holders worked fantastic. Another great Hobby Lobby find.
If you missed out on grabbing up the Hobby Lobby Spring/Summer finds look again next year or try Amazon.Disclaimer: There a few things with affiliate links above. If you use the link to purchase through, thank you very much! I may receive a small percentage for my recommendations.
Ahh …just cute items …what all did you get?
I bought the red paper plate holders but I am going back for the tablecloth and probably a few other things.