What to Have on Hand in any Emergency
No matter the type of emergency you encounter, it is best always to be prepared. Disasters can happen anytime from the weather, civil unrest, or another pandemic. If the last few years have taught me anything, I must be more prepared. Always have the basics on hand: food, water, and shelter. But communication and your health are important as well. Below is a list of items to consider when making your emergency kit.
Clean water is the one main essential you cannot live without. Always have bottled water or a clean water source on hand. We have the bottled water in stock at our home, but we have also purchased mini water filtration straws for each family member, just in case. You can find them here.

We live in Florida; hurricanes are just a part of life. We have an emergency supply of food always on hand during hurricane season. We always try to have what the kids will eat available, mainly Pop-Tarts, but also have a food supply that will last for an extended period. You can find food supply kits here.

Food Preparation
A camping butane stove will make life easier when you have to prepare a meal without power. You can find one here that is packable. Don’t forget to buy the butane gas.

A mess kit should be added to your emergency kit as well. Both of my boys have them for scouts. You can find a compact kit here.

If you can stay in your home after a storm but need to make roof repairs quickly, it is a good idea to have tarps on hand. Tarps can also be used to make an emergency shelter if you are caught out in the elements. A tent would also be a good idea to have in your kit. You can find a well-reviewed one here.

If you lose power and the internet, you will need other ways to receive vital information. Always have a weather radio available. We have a solar-powered radio that can also be hand-cranked. You can find the one we have here.

Another type of communication to have are walkie talkies. It might be the only way to communicate with family members. Make sure to find ones that have a strong frequency and range. You can find a family pack here.

Health and Safety
A well-stocked first aid kit can be a lifesaver in an emergency. Make sure to find one that will fit your needs. We have several first aid kits. Small first aid kits are perfect for the camper or backpacks. It is also a good idea to have a much more advanced one that includes a trauma kit. You can find one like it here.

Make sure to also have a supply of your family’s medications on hand. Over-the-counter pain and cold medication will be another way to be fully prepared. Stores might not be open after a natural disaster.
Baby Wipes are great to have on hand. They are fantastic if you don’t excess to water and need a quick freshening up.
A pack of emergency lighting is another item to put in your emergency kit. If the power goes out, you are going to need a source of light. There are so many types to choose from. This four-pack of lights is a great consideration. You can find them here. Don’t forget to have a stock of batteries on hand.

Survival Tool Kit

You could buy all of these separately or just buy this kit that has almost every tool you will need in an emergency. I bought this for my husband to keep on hand. You can find a similar to the above survival tool kit here.
The kit above did not come with a packable, foldable shovel. These are a must-have in an emergency. Both of my boys have one for scouts. You can find a camping shovel here to add to your survival tool kit.

These little cans of heat are perfect for any survival kit. A quick way to get heat when you need it. You can find them here.

Fire Starter

This is one of the simplest tools, but the most useful to have on hand in a dire situation. This fire starter can quickly start a fire when you need it the most. Make sure to practice with it if you have never used one before you need it. You can find it here.
This is not a complete list of gear you will need in case of an emergency, but it is a starting point to get you thinking about what you and your family would require to survive. Emergencies will either make you hunker down to wait it out or quickly move out of harm’s way. The world is a scary place at the moment, and it is best to be prepared for any situation you may find yourself in.
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