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Camping,  Campsites

Chill out at Camp Margaritaville

Take the weekend to chill out at one of Florida’s most popular and welcoming camping resorts, Camp Margaritaville. The campground is in Auburndale, Florida, about an hour from Orlando. This camping resort will surely please everyone in the family with its many amenities and activities. You set the pace to your camping experience whether it is relaxing by the pool with a cool drink in hand or a round of mini golf with the kids. It’s a camping resort geared for those ready to relax and unwind. So leave your cares behind and enjoy all that this amazing campground offers.



Our campsite 373, was the perfect site for us. We were close to the pool and dog parks. All campsites are full hook-ups with water, electricity, and sewer. A picnic table and grill are also provided. Fires are not allowed at any of the campsites. There are community fire pits, but seating around them can be hard to get especially when the band is playing.

The campsites are immaculate. I have never been to such a well-maintained campground. Attention to detail was evident throughout our stay. I also appreciated the escort to our campsite by staff to make sure we arrived at the correct campsite.

For those that do not have an RV, cabin rentals are available.


Pet Friendly


This is a pet-friendly campground that goes out of its way to make sure your pet has as much fun as you do. Our dog was greeted with her treat bag when arriving, which went a long way to ease the stress of knowing if she would be welcomed. There was a dog park directly behind us, that was the perfect location for early morning walks. There was also a dog park in front of us that was bigger and had a tunnel. Of course, Ellie would have nothing to do with that.


A pet spa is also available for your pet. Which is a place to bath your dog and a bit of pampering. No way were we going to do that. We did not want our camper smelling like a wet dog all weekend. But a great option for some.

Pets are not allowed in the pool area or Green Field.

Pool Area


There are two pool areas at Camp Margaritaville, but we spent most of our time with the one with the waterslide. My 13-year-old could not get enough of this slide. Just so you know the slide does close at 8:00 at night and the main pool closes at 10:00.

This is a great pool for the kids to swim, but there is also a splash pad area for smaller kids as well as a play area.

Coolers are not allowed in the pool area. I was confused about the drinks policy allowing beverages around the pool. Either there were a lot of rule breakers, us included, or drinks were allowed around the pool area. Not sure, but we did enjoy a few margaritas sitting in the shade on the Adirondack chairs watching our kid swim until sunset.


Tiki Bar and Stage

Camp Margaritaville

A great place to relax is the Tiki Bar area. The stage is right behind it and at night, at least on the weekends, a live band plays. We found a great location near this area to watch our son play Gaga Ball on the Green Field and listen to some great music.

Also, the donut truck was parked close by as well. So I course we checked that out as well. Gaga Ball, whether as a participant or spectator makes you hungry.

Parrot Island Mini Golf


Camp Margaritaville includes Mini Golf as a fun family-friendly activity in the camp fees. This is a relaxing 9-hole course in a well-manicured setting. It was a stiff competition that left me in the dust on the round we played, but we had a great time.

Pick up and return the clubs and golf balls at the camp store.

More Information


Our stay at Camp Margaritaville was a bit out of our comfort zone. We normally stay at state parks. But my 13-year-old had requested a campground with a pool. Camp Margaritaville was an amazing campground to stay at and my kid had a blast. We felt welcomed by the staff and enjoyed our relaxing weekend without a care in the world. Click here for more information and to make a reservation.

All opinions are my own. Camp Margaritaville is in no way affiliated with Amateur Camper or me.

Happy Camping!


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