Seven Bone Chilling Podcasts for the Spooky Season
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Seven Bone Chilling Podcasts for the Spooky Season

It’s getting close to the spooky season. Pour some pumpkin-spiced coffee and settle down to listen to a bone-chilling podcast that will get you in a spooky mood. Listen to ghostly tales, true crime mysteries, cryptid creatures roaming the outdoors, and other eerie tales.

True Crime Campfire

True Crime Campfire

Join your camp counselors Katie and Whitney around the campfire as they tell true crime mysteries that you wish were not true. The stories will haunt you as listen to well-researched crime mysteries that are respectful to victims, but mindful of the horrific crimes committed by evil people.

National Park After Dark

National Park After Dark

Hosts Danielle and Cassie delve into the darker side of the national parks in their podcast. Even the most breathtaking scenery holds dark tales that unfold as visitors leave for the night. Explore the national parks through true crime stories and unusual happenings that you may not be aware of when visiting our most popular parks and landmarks.

Monsters Among Us

Monsters Among Us

Sit back in a cozy chair and listen to true paranormal stories told by those who encountered them. Derek Hayes hosts a true paranormal podcast that will chill you to the bone. Listen to callers recount their eerie experiences that will have you second guessing your beliefs in the supernatural.

Real Life Ghost Stories

Real Life Ghost Stories

Emma’s soothing Irish voice will lull you into a false sense of security as she reads the first-hand accounts of ghostly encounters of her listeners. The spine-tingling tales featured on this podcast will have you questioning the bumps in the night. Is it a ghost? Maybe.

Haunted Road

Haunted Road

Take a haunted road trip with Amy Bruni as she delves into the haunted past of America’s most notorious locations. Amy explores rumored haunted locations through interviews with those closest to them. Listen as they recount personal experiences and eerie happenings. Learn the history of each location and explanations on why some spirits refuse to leave.

Expanded Perspectives

Expanded Perspectives

Podcast hosts, Kyle and Cameron will have you diving into a rabbit hole of conspiracies, cryptozoology, and alien abductions. You will be questioning your belief system as the hosts read the eerie encounters of their listeners. Are you ready to expand your perspective on the supernatural?



Danny Robins investigates strange happenings with a healthy sense of skepticism. His panel of believers and non-believers take sides as they dissect stories of the paranormal as told by those who encountered them. In season 4 he travels to the USA to delve into several bone-chilling accounts that will have you questioning what is real.

Find a bone-chilling podcast to get you in the spooky mood at Amazon Music or wherever you listen to podcasts. And don’t go into the woods alone. Happy Camping!

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Seven Bone Chilling Podcasts for the Spooky Season

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