
  • Camping Gear,  Kayaking

    Kayak Supplies For Amateurs

    If you have read my blog about Blue Spring State Park, you already know that this was our first time taking the kayak out on the water. This was a great place to start for amateurs. The workers at the launch site were very helpful. The water was relatively calm and not overcrowded with other boaters. Plenty of room to work out the kinks and learn how to kayak. It took my husband awhile to get his balance with the kayak and learn how to maneuver it. Evidently it is different from a paddling a canoe. He quickly got the hang of it and paddled up and down the St.…

  • Blue_Spring_State_Park,_Florida
    Campsites,  Florida Parks,  Florida Springs,  Kayaking

    Blue Spring State Park

    It was such a gorgeous day in Florida we decided to finally try out the kayak. We chose a spring close to our home, Blue Spring State Park. The spring is located in Orange City, Volusia County. This is a popular park on the weekends especially November-March when the Manatees are wintering here. The park will not allow cars in when it reaches capacity. Arrive early if possible. We of course didn’t and had a small wait to get in. It was worth it! Manatees If you are ever in Florida in the winter months this is such a beautiful park to observe Manatees. The water is crystal clear. It…


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