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Rustic Bubble Wand
Projects,  Things to Do

How to Make a Rustic Bubble Wand

I read several articles on how to make a bubble wand using dowel rods and hooks. My son’s third grade class had been playing with them at their end of year party and he loved how large he could make the bubbles. I thought I could make one. It looked fairly easy to do.

After a quick look in our garage this morning to find supplies, I realized I didn’t have any of it in the garage. So I came up with my own bubble wand using what I had on hand.

I made a very Rustic Bubble Wand using the simple materials I had. To the surprise of me and especially my younger son it actually worked.

Rustic Bubble Wand

To make the Rustic Bubble Wand I found two sticks fairly close in length. I knew we had some in our fire pit wood pile. Next I found the string, a washer and scissors.

Rustic bubble wand

This is easy to make. Cut the string about 30″ in length and tie it to both ends of the sticks. Next tie a longer piece of string, about 60″ just below the shorter piece of string. Put the washer in the middle of the longer string before tying it into place.

Rustic Bubble Wand

Bubble Mix

I needed a bubble mix that could make big bubbles. After reading several recipes on Pinterest, I realized I didn’t have the right ingredients on hand for most of them. Making a simple batch of bubble mix shouldn’t be that hard.

It was easy to make up a batch of bubble mix using dish soap, corn syrup and water.

Bubble Mix

I used a two gallon bucket, half a bottle of Dawn Dish Soap (7 oz.) and 1/3 cup of Corn Syrup. I honestly don’t have a clue why I used the corn syrup, only that a lot of the bubble recipes called for some kind of sugar to be used.


I told my son I had an experiment for him to try out. He was ready to go until he saw what I had. He thought I was crazy and that it wouldn’t work, but it did!


Enjoy the Summer

We marked another thing off our Summer Bucket List, Learn to Make Giant Bubbles and enjoyed a hot summer day in Florida. This would also be a great activity for kids while camping.

If you want a simpler way or a bubble wand that will last longer I found one on Amazon. Click here to find it.

Enjoy your summer and go find your next adventure!

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Rustic Bubble Wand



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