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What is a Wolf'em?
Camping Gear,  Food

What is a Wolf’em?

My youngest son received his Cub Scout popcorn sheet a few weeks ago. As I was looking at the prizes he could earn for selling popcorn, I noticed a gadget called a Wolf’em Stick. I wasn’t for sure what it was, but I knew I needed it. I also knew he wasn’t going to sell $450 worth of popcorn to earn it, so I bought it on Amazon to try out.

Wolf'em Sticks

At our last camping trip to Lake Louisa State Park, we got chance to use our new camping gadget. It was fun, but a little tricky.



What is a Wolf’em? A Wolf’em is basically a cooked biscuit cup that you can fill up with a multitude of ingredients. Your imagination is the only limit on what you can make. It can be filled up with sweet ingredients like pudding, or heartier things like taco meat. We used it to make little mini desserts.

What You Need To Buy

After purchasing your Wolf’em Stick you need to decide what you going to make. We did all sweet desserts, so those are the ingredients that we choose to buy. The main things you need to purchase are the refrigerated biscuit dough, cooking spray and your fillings.


How to make a Wolf’em.

Make sure you have a good fire going. You will need a consistent heat source to make these.

After assembling your Wolf’em Stick, lightly spray the end where the biscuit dough will go. I mean lightly. I sprayed a bit too much on the wooden spool and my first attempt slid off right into the fire.

Carefully form your biscuit dough over the end, covering the whole spool. This isn’t the best picture, I know, it was getting dark out. Make sure to spread it out evenly.

Wolf'em Dough Cup

Finally put it over the fire to cook.

The cool thing about this Wolf’em stick is that it rotates. This makes it easier and faster to cook. The tricky part is keeping it on the spool while trying to cook it all the way through without burning the outside.

If your first attempt is a failure like mine, keep trying. It’s one of those things that the more you do it, the better you will get. My husband’s Wolf’em turned out perfect his first try. It took me about three tries to get mine so that it was edible. Bring extra biscuit dough just in case.

Campfire Treat

Our Mini Desserts

So I went shopping at Publix, grabbing whatever I thought would be good in a biscuit cup. Here are the mini desserts we came up with.

Cherry Cheesecake

I really wanted the Philadelphia Cheesecake Filling that is pre-made and is so yummy, but my Publix did not carry it. I found a Jell-O cheesecake pudding mix and made it. Not quite the same, but it worked. This is what I used to make it. It was fantastic!

  • Pre-made Cheesecake Filling
  • Can of Cherries
What is a Wolf'em?

Pudding Cups

My oldest son and husband wanted theirs filled with pudding. Another simple recipe to follow.

  • Pudding Cups – Chocolate or Vanilla
  • Whip Cream
Vanilla Pudding Wolf'em
Chocolate Pudding Wolf'em


Then there is my youngest. He wanted his layered. Graham crackers on the bottom, a marshmallow in the middle and topped with a chocolate bar. A S’more Wolf’em. He loved it!

  • Graham Cracker (broken to fit inside the cup)
  • Marshmallow
  • Chocolate Bar Piece
S'more Wolf'em

My Review

This is nifty gadget to take on your next camping adventure. It was easy to use and the quality of the Wolf’em stick was fantastic. It is well made. I loved that it also came with a hot dog /marshmallow roasting attachment as well. My son loved that he could cook two hot dogs at once.

Hot Dogs

I am so glad we discovered Wolf’ems and plan on making them a new camping tradition. You can find a Wolf’em Stick here and try them for yourself.

Happy Camping!

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What is a Wolf'em?

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