Hiking at Trout Lake, One of Florida’s Hidden Gems
Spend the day hiking and exploring one of Central Florida’s hidden gems, Trout Lake Nature Center located in Eustis. This is an exceptional center to discover the “real” Florida as you hike its trails and boardwalks.
We have been to Trout Lake many times with our kids for school trips, scouting events and day trips. This is a hands on Nature Center with many kid friendly activities.

Hiking Trout Lake

Take one of the several trails offered at Trout Lake to begin your hike through the nature preserve. Most of the trails are less than a mile in length and tend to run into each other. This is a great way to explore the park and experience Florida’s ecosystem.

The trails are well marked and maintained. Our favorite route is taking the Lazy Oak Trail down to the Boardwalk and the dock at Trout Lake, doubling back to the Armadillo Trail that runs into the Adventure Trail. Then we take the Grandfather Oak Trail before walking back to the parking lot. A meandering hike through nature.

Our favorite stop is the Grandfather Oak Tree. It is a magnificent sight to see and a great location to take a rest.
Take Your Dog

Trout Lake Nature Center is a wonderful place to bring your favorite companion for a hike. Just make sure your dog is on a leash at all times, well behaved and always clean up after your pet. Pet waste containers are located in the park for your convenience.

There are currently nine hidden geocaches at Trout Lake Nature Center, with ours being the newest! For my son’s eleventh birthday he hid a geocache in the park with the help of the executive director. It took few tries for us to find the perfect spot, but with her help and patience we found a great location for his geocache. Let us know if you find it!
To learn more about geocaching click here. My blog post, Geocaching with Kids. It is a fantastic way to gets kids and adults outdoors exploring.
Museum and Education Buildings
Don’t forget to make a trip to the Museum and the Education Center at the park. Both buildings are filled with interesting artifacts and exhibits. Learn about Florida’s wildlife up close and personal.

Visit Trout Lake Nature Center for more information on their park, preservation efforts and schedule. Don’t forget the bug spray. Get outside and explore!