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Camping,  Camping Gear,  Things to Do

Wonderful Warm Weather Camping Finds For Spring Break

Spring Break for my Florida boys is just around the corner. They can’t wait for the school break and to get outside. Discover these perfect warm weather camping finds for your Spring Break adventure.

Backyard Tent


This would be such a fun tent to set up in the backyard if you can’t get away for Spring Break. The kids would love camping in such a cool tent. You can find it here.

Beach Wagon


If you are beach camping during Spring Break this little wagon will come in handy transporting all your gear. You can find this well reviewed wagon here.

Camping Bag


This is the perfect beach camping bag. Take it from the campsite to the beach. You can find this adorable bag here.

Beach Towel


Don’t forget the beach towel! This non bulky, quick drying Turkish towel is a fantastic find for beach camping. You can find in 24 colors here.

Shell Collecting Bag


Kids love to go shell hunting at the beach. These are perfect for gathering and collecting their finds. You can find the bags here.



Enjoy relaxing outside as the wind rocks you in a hammock. The perfect way to spend the afternoon either at the campsite or home. While most campgrounds now have hammock posts already available at the campsites some will allow you to use the available trees. Make sure to check that it is permitted, because the straps on the hammocks can harm the trees. You can find the above hammock here.

Tiki Bluetooth Speaker


I have one of these and love it. The bluetooth speaker easily connected to my phone and the music was crystal clear. The light flickers just like a tiki torch. You can find the set above here.

Outdoor Tic Tac Toe


This would be so much fun to play on Spring Break! My kids would love it. Perfect for an outdoor night or daytime camping activity. You can find the game here.

Camping Fan


It has been warm in Florida this past couple of weeks. Keep cool while camping with this rechargeable fan. You can find it here.

Snorkel Set


If you plan on snorkeling during Spring Break, the above set is perfect for you. My husband and younger son are going to be in Key West for Spring Break doing just that. Florida also has several springs to experience snorkeling if you just want to try and see if you like it. Check out my blog post on Wekiwa Springs for a great spring to begin snorkeling at. Find the above set here.

Paddle Board Set


Florida’s springs are also a great place to learn to paddle board. You can find this well reviewed and popular paddle board set here.



Take your drinks from the campsite to the beach or spring in this well insulated cooler. You can find the cooler here.

Enjoy your Spring Break no matter if it’s in your own backyard, one of Florida’s State Parks or wherever your favorite getaway is located. Happy Camping!

Disclaimer:  There are a few things with affiliate links above.  If you use the link to purchase through, thank you very much!  I may receive a small percentage for my recommendations.


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