Dutch Oven Orange Crush Cake
We had a great time exploring Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park in Jacksonville, Florida last weekend. I had a chance to try a couple of recipes in our Dutch Oven while we were camping at this pretty campground. Dutch Oven Orange Crush Cake was a simple cake to make and a delicious dessert after hamburgers over the grill.
There really are only two main ingredients for this cake. Orange cake mix and Orange Crush. Frosting is optional, but really is it?

- Orange Cake Mix
- 12oz Can Of Orange Crush
- Tub of Frosting (optional)
Pour the cake mix into a well greased foil insert or directly into a seasoned Dutch Oven. Next Pour a can of Orange Crush Soda all over the cake mix. Mix well and bake for about 20 minutes. Cooking times will vary depending on your Dutch Oven temperature.

Pour a can of Orange Crush all over the cake mix.

Mix the cake better well.


If you have read any of my blog post about baking with a Dutch Oven, you know already our trials and tribulations with this type of camp cooking we have had. This cake turned out the first time! We did it right.
To get the Dutch Oven up to 350 degrees place 14-15 briquettes on top and about 7 on the bottom. We placed the Dutch Oven directly on the briquettes to bake our Orange Crush Cake.
I set my timer to 30 minutes, but decided to check it after 20. The smell of this cake baking was heavenly and prompted me to check it early. I am so glad I did. The cake was done after only 20 minutes.


I let the cake cool while we made hamburgers on the grill and then frosted it. Honestly it would have been good with or without the frosting.


My boys were so surprised that this cake actually tasted good. They couldn’t believe that just a cake mix and a can of soda could make such a fluffy cake. I hope you give Dutch Oven Orange Crush Cake a try on your next camping adventure or try out another one of my Dutch Oven recipes like Cheesy Potatoes or Cherry Dump Cake.
Happy Camping!
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Looks mighty good ….Larry said a little ice cream with it would have been good …but I think I’m thankful for what I get 🙃
Amateur Camper
The ice cream wouldn’t have lasted. It was hot at this Florida campground!