Dutch Oven Pizza
On our recent camping trip to Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park we successfully made Dutch Oven Pizza. My oldest son had told us last year how easy it was to make, he learned to make it while working on his cooking merit badge in scouts. Turns out it is easy to make with pre-made ingredients and a little prep work.
Favorite toppings aside, the main ingredients are pre-made dough, pizza sauce and shredded mozzarella cheese. We purchased our dough at the Publix bakery. Make your own if you have great recipe, but make it before the campout and store in a refrigerator/cooler until ready to use.

- Pre-made Pizza Dough
- Pizza Sauce
- Mozzarella
- Favorite Pizza Toppings
Place the pizza dough directly into a well seasoned Dutch Oven or like us a well greased Dutch Oven foil insert. Next add your favorite pizza sauce, toppings and as much Mozzarella cheese as you like. Bake for about 30 minutes, checking it for browning. Cooking times will vary depending on your Dutch Oven temperature.
Crafting Your Pizza
Everyone likes their pizza a certain way, our family is no different. Half of the pizza will have pepperoni and the other half will not. It doesn’t matter it still tastes amazing.

The pizza dough we purchased was already circular, so it was fairly easy to form it in the foil insert. There was just a little bit of overlapping.

Some people don’t think it’s pizza without a lot of pepperoni on it.

I think the pepper and onions add a bit of flavor. I would have chopped them before our trip, but I did my grocery shopping hours before we left and totally ran out of time. I’m so glad I already had a knife and cutting board stored in the camper.

Finally add lots and lots of cheese!
For us baking with a Dutch Oven has been a bit of a challenge, but we are getting better at it. It can be frustrating, but it is worth trying.
To get the Dutch Oven up to 350 degrees place 14-15 briquettes on top. For our Dutch Oven Pizza we placed the Dutch Oven directly on the grill with bottom of the oven over a low burning fire. This method worked for us and pizza dough on the bottom came out perfect.


This was a simple, delicious camping recipe to try. I would have liked the top to be a bit more brown, but someone dropped the Dutch Oven lid in the dirt while checking the pizza. It was still good, and the pizza dough was amazing.
Try this on your next camping adventure or another of my Dutch Oven recipes like Orange Crush Cake or Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies.
Happy Camping!
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