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Camping Halloween Sign

Make a Camping Halloween Sign with Your Cricut

This was suppose to be a “How To” post on making a camping Halloween sign with your Cricut. Instead this is going to be a resource post for you to find the supplies to make your own fabulous sign.

I have only owned my Cricut a few months and I am still learning how to use it. For what I thought would be a simple project, I made so many mistakes making this sign that I am definitely still an amateur. I will tell you all the mistakes I made so that you don’t repeat them.

Supplies for a Camping Halloween Sign

Here is a list of supplies I used.

Halloween Camping Sign

Where to Find Camping SVGs

Since starting to use my Cricut I bought several SVGs from different sellers on Etsy. This has become a reliable source to find ones that I am needing, and I feel safe buying from.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. This is the format you will need to cut out the vinyl on Cricut.

I purchased the design above, Witches with Hitches, from the seller OntheBeachSVG. These were made for Camping Bucket Lights, but work great on wooden signs as well. Check out my post on how to make a camping bucket light here. These designs would be perfect for a Halloween Campout!

Another great source for fall SVGs is SageMaker. There is a fall truck SVG that I want to do next. When I get brave enough to do multi-colors.

Wooden Sign

I had such a hard time finding a wooden sign at nearby craft stores, that I gambled on Amazon. The signs came in a pack of four with ribbon and string. They might not be the best quality, but for the price they were an amazing deal. You can find the wooden signs here.

Make a Camping Halloween Sign

A great stain to use is Rust-Oleum Stain & Polyurethane in Ebony. I found this 8oz can at Walmart.

Making a Halloween Camping Sign

I only did one coat of stain, and did not sand the board before staining it. It was already pretty smooth.

Wooden Halloween Sign


I not very good at making bows, so I made one the easy way in just a few simple steps. Picking out Halloween colored ribbon was the fun part. I found these fun patterns at Wal-Mart.

Halloween Camping Sign

First cut the ribbon in strips to the size you want the bow. Mine was about 10 inches. Varying the sizes of ribbon would have been good idea.

Halloween Bow

Then pinch the ribbons in the middle and twist the bread tie around the ribbon. Next move the ribbons around to arrange them the way you like and cut the ends to your liking.

Halloween Bow
Making a Halloween Bow

Finally cut a small piece of ribbon and tie it around the middle to hide the bread tie. A simple and easy bow. I used hot glue to set the bow in place after applying my Halloween vinyl design.

You can also make your own hanging tag for the wooden sign with a bit of string and a staple gun.

Making a Hanging Tag for a Wooden Sign

Things Not To Do

When making your Halloween Camping sign be sure to double check that your image is welded if you plan sticking it on the wooden sign in one go. I had to cut out another image to get everything in the correct order. Don’t forget to weld!

Camping SVG

Be careful when weeding this design. It is a lot more intricate than it looks. I lost some pieces. It was good that I had a back up design, but some of the smaller ones were hard to see.

Don’t be in rush when weeding the design. I used Siser Easy Weed, and it was coming off so well, that I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing with the extra vinyl. I accidentally got it stuck on the design and ending up pulling off what should have stayed on the paper. I was so frustrated at that point.

My sign did not turn out perfect, but that’s alright, I love it anyway! Make your Halloween Camping Sign and be sure to share your masterpiece. Happy Camping!

Make Your Own Halloween Camping Sign

Disclaimer:  There are a few things with affiliate links above.  If you use the link to purchase through, thank you very much!  I may receive a small percentage for my recommendations.

Make a Halloween Camping Sign

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